Integrated marketing and communications (MAR 2021 - PRESENT)
Works at 3M's Transportation & Electronics Business Division - USA/Canada region. Executes paid and organic advertisements on social media platforms, does copywriting for marketing collaterals and advertisements, performs marketing automation tasks, ensures brand identity and tone of voice across marketing collaterals, and leads integrated marketing-communication teams as a project manager for different business products.
communications specialist (sep 2019 - mar 2021)
Helped grow Twitter and Facebook following by over 600% while maintaining above industry-average engagement rates on Twitter. Created and produced Annual and Social Media reports. Strategized and executed communications plan that put the Project on national and international platforms.
radio western
podcast director / story architect (jan 2019 - nov 2020)
Created, wrote, and produced podcasts covering university research, with over 350,000 students, faculty and alumni listeners. Helped grow podcasting department, producing podcasts for multiple departments.
cardiac arrhythmia network of canada
research writer (feb 2018 - present)
Writes stories and media releases for CANet-funded research.
Canadian science publishing
research writer (mar 2018 - present)
Writes biology-related research briefs aimed at non-academic, general readership.
Fanshawe college
Communications and writing instructor (jan 2018 - apr 2019)
Taught communications and writing to science and engineering students.
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
research writer (feb 2019 - june 2019)
Wrote IDRC-related profiles and project summaries for stakeholders and funding agencies.
western university
research storyteller (nov 2017 - aug 2018)
Canada Broadcasting Corporation, Canada's national broadcasting corporation, picked one of Aniruddho’s media releases. Two of his initiatives are now officially part of Western University Marketing and Communications. Successfully raised researcher profiles for funding bodies that prioritize public engagement and communicating the broader impact of research.
Western University, Nelson Publishing, Canadian Medical hall of fame,pathways to education
Volunteered and worked for university research departments, national research organizations, and educational book publishing houses. Covered science research, reviewed and summarized biology topics, summarized pedagogical research into reports for stakeholders, teachers, and the general public.
Ph.D (Biology) Western University, London, Canada (2011 - 2017)
M.Sc (Biology) Western University, London, Canada (2008 - 2011)