Espresso Knowledge #100 - How do you encourage people to get vaccinated?

The US is offering economic incentives - for example, time off, free beer, college scholarships - to encourage people to get vaccinated against COVID19.

Herd immunity will be crucial in ending the pandemic.

But many are reluctant to get vaccines.

Researchers are suggesting two other ways to encourage people to get vaccinated because economic incentives don't always work - some people could interpret cash payments or lottery winnings as a signal that the vaccine is dangerous, perhaps reinforcing their own beliefs.

Try information campaigns - talk about results of clinical trials or explain how vaccines work. Invite people to watch informational videos, and then reward them with credits they can use at local stores.

Positive reinforcements could influence behaviour. Many post pictures on social media getting vaccinated. This peer pressure could help make others make the right choice. These aren't costly economic incentives, they help change habits and sometimes, have long term positive effects.

Original article:

Free beer, doughnuts and a $1 million lottery – how vaccine incentives and other behavioral tools are helping the US reach herd immunity